Our School

Welcome to Woodland!

Please Wait Outside!! For everyone’s Safety!

A reminder that visitors to the school, including parents, board employees not assigned to Woodland Heights, maintenance workers, supply teachers, everyone MUST sign in at the office before going through the school.  We are responsible for the safety of 600 pupils and need to make sure that everyone is safe!  Please help us keep your child, and every child safe by following this policy.

If you pick up at the end of the day, chose a designated meeting place that is the same each day (the basketball nets, or the four square).  We have staff on duty outside at the end of every day.  If you are late, we bring students to the office.

Reporting Student Absences and Lates

ALL students arriving after 9:00 a.m. must go to the office and get a late slip before going to their classroom. If your student is marked absent and a reason is not reported by a parent or guardian you will receive an automated phone call. Please follow the prompts and choose the appropriate reason. If you hang up without choosing a reason the system will continue to call you.

To avoid these phone calls please report any absence regarding your student through one of the following:

  1. SchoolMessenger Attendance Reporting System
  2. Call the toll free number: 1-844-305-3756
  3. Report the absence through our smartphone mobile application 


We are always looking for Parent and Community Volunteers at Woodland Heights. If you are interested in volunteering please contact the office. We need volunteers for our Parent Council, Field Trips, Pizza/Hot Lunch Days, Fun Days, Breakfast Club, and much more. All volunteers must complete a Vulnerable Police Record Check. In the office we can provide a letter to interested volunteers that will allow you to get the police check done for $15.00. New Volunteers MUST have a police check specific to the Thames Valley District School Board, we cannot accept police checks complete for employment or other organizations.


If you complete a police check last year – this is a reminder that you must sign a declaration stating you have not committed any crimes in the past year. If you are not sure when your police check expires or if you have one on file with us – please give the office a call (519) 452-8710.

Student Health and Safety

No Peanut/Nut Products: We have children in our school with severe food allergies. If they ingest, smell or touch peanuts or peanut products it may cause extreme illness or death. It is everyone’s responsibility to ensure the safety of these children. Please do not send peanut or peanut products to school. We appreciate your assistance in keeping these children safe.

Medication: Our Board has Medication policy. If it becomes necessary for your child to take prescription medication at school, please call the school in advance. The office provides a form requiring you to outline the details of the administration of the medication. This form must be completed and signed by a doctor before we can administer any medication. The use of inhalers and EPI PENS also fall into this policy guideline.  Please advise the school if your child requires the use of an inhaler or EPI PEN while at school. We would be glad to support your child by keeping inhalers in the office and present to assist your child as the need arises.  Students with asthma or that require EPI PENS should also have their puffer and EPI PEN on them at all times.

Allergies: If your child is allergic to a substance, please contact the school with this information. We have a form that will need to be filled out. This form asks for: a recent photo, a description of symptoms and an outline of emergency procedures for severe allergies.

Accidents, Illness and Emergencies: PLEAE REPORT ALL CHANGES OF ADDRESS OR TELEPHONE NUMBERS (business or home) TO THE OFFICE IMMEDIATELY. Your cooperation is appreciated in making sure we have up to date emergency contact numbers for your child.


Individual Plan of Care (IPOC)

To ensure children with potentially life threatening medical conditions remain safe while attending school, TVDSB requests Parents/Guardians update the necessary medical information on the Parent Portal so that an individual Plan of Care (IPOC) for the student can be reviewed by the school’s administration. Meduical conditions considered potentially life-threatening may include:

  • Asthma
  • Anaphylaxis
  • Epilepsy
  • Type 1 Diabetes
  • Any other potentially life-threatening condition that could result in a medical incident* (discuss with your school administrator)

Parents/ Guardians can provide important information about their child’s life threatening or prevalent medical condition by logging into the TVDSB Parent Portal and clicking on the Student Medical Information tab. Once an Individual Plan of Care is submitted, the school administrator will then review the information. Parent/s Guardians may be contacted for further information if required.

Parents/Guardians who cannot access the Parent Portal on the Internet should contact the school office. Please note that Parents/Guardians are expected to be active participants in supporting the management of the student’s prevalent medical condition(s) while the student is in school. It is the responsibility of the Parents/Guardians to inform the school of such conditions to ensure the student’s safety at school.

*A medical incident is a circumstance that requires an immediate response and monitoring, since the incident may progress to an emergency requiring contact with Emergency Medical Services – 911.
